Steam solutions
SOFENGI helps you create a sustainable steam system through an audit to identify areas of improvement that will improve process efficiency as well as energy efficiency and even productivity.
An optimally functioning steam system requires regular inspections and maintenance. It frequently happens that steam condensate traps, control valves or safety valves work unsatisfactorily or that the insulation of the pipes fails, leading to costly losses of steam.
TheSOFENGI team and its partners will assist you to keep your steam system in optimal condition. We will also provide you with best practices for repairing and maintaining your facility’s systems.
Audit your steam systems and reduce energy losses.
As a result of undergoing a steam system audit, organizations commonly experience:
Today’s competitive marketplace demands that steam and condensate systems perform in line with world-class standards. Work with SOFENGI to start performing accordingly and saving money in the process.
A careful design of the steam transport circuit helps you in supplying quality steam to processes and machines in the most reliable way possible. It is therefore important to respect certain rules and practices. These rules and best practices include:
When inspecting a steam trap, we check to see if the trap is working properly, if it is not leaking and/or blocked and if the correct steam trap has been used. Studies of steam systems, which have not been verified for three to five years, show that 15 to 30% of steam traps are faulty and as many as 25% of traps leak. This leads to a huge loss of energy and can also cause another problem like water hammer.
During the inspection the following steps are taken: